Case number and/or case name
BGH, 14.6.2012 – IX ZB 183/09
The applicant brought an action for the order of enforcement. The declaration of enforceability was denied by the Higher Regional Court pursuant to Art. 34 no. 1 Brussels I. The applicant’s appeal contested this decision.
The court had to decide whether the order of enforcement would be contrary to Art. 34 no. 1 Brussels I (violation of public policy). The court stated that there was no violation of public policy (Art. 34 no. 1 Brussels I) when the foreign court rejected the appeal against an order for payment because the authority of the lawyer wasn’t given.
The CJEU stated in Gambazzi (C-394/07) that a violation of public policy could only be assumed if there had been a violation of a fundamental principle of a legal system. Such an essential violation couldn’t be stated in the present case. Therefore, the judgment is correct.