Case Listing

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2009/AR/1267 - Brussel, 1 March 2013
201/82 Gerling Konzern Speziale Kreditversicherungs-AG and others v Amministrazione del Tesoro dello Stato [1983] ECR 02503
20100708 Tribunal of Bologna (R2)
20101207 Tribunal of Rovigo (R2)
20110304 Tribunal of Milan
20110310 Court of Appeal of Perugia
20110315 Tribunal of Arezzo
20110325 Tribunal of Milan
20110406 Tribunal of Tivoli (BIIa, BI)
20110408 Tribunal of Milano
20130128 Tribunal of Palmi
215/88 Casa Fleischhandels-GmbH v Bundesanstalt für landwirtschaftliche Marktordnung [1989] ECR 02789
218/86 SAR Schotte GmbH v Parfums Rothschild SARL [1987] ECR 04905
22/85 Rudolf Anterist v Crédit lyonnais [1986] ECR 01951
220/84 AS-Autoteile Service GmbH v Pierre Malhé [1985] ECR 02267
221/84 F. Berghoefer GmbH & Co. KG v ASA SA [1985] ECR 02699
222/84 Marguerite Johnston v Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary [1986] ECR 01651
23/78 Nikolaus Meeth v Glacetal [1978] ECR 02133
238/81 Raad van Arbeid v Mme Van der Bunt - Craig [1983] ECR 01385
24/76 Estasis Salotti di Colzani Aimo e Gianmario Colzani s.n.c. v Rüwa Polstereimaschinen GmbH [1976] ECR 01831
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